About Avia

about avia venefica
about avia venefica

About Avia and Whats-Your-Sign.com

Avia contends the universe and all its contents is a sacred energy that uses organic symbolism as a platform for expression. She actively pursues deeper meaning in life events (individually and collectively) and employs an archetypal, gestalt use of symbolic interpretation to gain insight into these life events.

This pursuit motivated her to study literature (i.e.: Jung, Campbell) and philosophies of varying cultures (i.e.: Native American, Celtic) with a goal to understand symbolic meanings using naturalistic (pre-industrial) perspectives.

Avia proposes that by tapping into nature and learning various cultural and archetypal meanings of symbols, we can use those meanings for guidance in solving real-life problems. Avia’s writings and presentations come from her passion for sharing the potential of symbolism as a catalyst for self-development and collective awareness.

Avia has an undergraduate degree in anthropology and has been an understudy in several tribal and spiritual organizations. She is also the author of several books and magazine articles concerning esoteric wisdom. She also makes herself available for public speaking/presentations and has spoken internationally about totemism, alternative thinking and symbolic topics.

“The Divine is always communicating with us.
Its language is symbolic.” 

about avia venefica
about avia venefica

Avia’s Personal Message To You
And Why She Started Whats-Your-Sign.com

Hi Everybody! Thanks for visiting Whats-Your-Sign.com. A bit about me on a personal level…

As a kid, if I didn’t have my nose stuck in a book, I was outside – poking sticks at stuff, peeking under slimy rocks, gleeful at discovering some dark treasure (the creepier and crawlier the better).

Today, I’m still exploring, but instead of rocks, I’m flipping over every-day-ness to find symbolic inspiration hiding beneath common reality.

My writings here on this website are a result of all that poking around.

I handle all the website development, optimization, design, and coding (it appeals to my need for order). But, obviously, I’m not too neurotic about details. Please forgive all my typos until I get around to re-editing them. I really detest editing. It feels so retroactive. Consequently, it takes me a while to go back and fix stuff. My bad.

about avia venefica and Gus

As time permits, I work on editing/improving Whats-Your-Sign.com and my other sites. I trust those of you who’ve been visiting since the early years will enjoy the improvements.

When I’m not working, I’m loving on my three dogs (that’s Gus in the picture) and playing outside.

I totally dig signs and symbolism because it’s everywhere. In all things, deeper meanings can be found and interpreted.

In essence, symbolism is a universal language we are all familiar with. Our ancestors believed using symbols could empower us, enlighten us, and aid us in our journey through life. This concept is as true today as when it occurred to our ancestors.

More About Avia and This Website

Over the years, this website has gained tremendous attention. There’s no way I would have guessed writing about a subject I’ve always been passionate about would gain so much attention!

Tons of emails come through this site, and that is super-cool. And although I can’t respond to everybody, I do read every email. I am sincerely grateful to those of you who have taken the time to send me your stories of how this website, and seeing the world symbolically has helped you on your paths. I’m also grateful for all the suggestions I receive from the readers of this site.

About avia venefica
Avia @ whats-your-sign.com

Requests on Whats-Your-Sign

Most overwhelmingly, WYS receives requests for more information on Native American and Celtic symbolism, with number symbolism running a close third in the popular line-up. And, of course, Animal Totems and Animal Meanings is a constant favorite for visitors and fans of Whats-Your-Sign.com as well as the oft-assumed main topic of astrology on this site.

But if you poke around – you’ll find WYS is more of a “full-circle” source of information. That is to say, I write about an array of topics intended to wake us all up and improve our lives. After all, why limit ourselves when we can branch out to so many other topics? It’s all connected anyway, right?

do listen to requests. In fact, I launched a whole new section on zodiac signs after readers expressed an interest to see it on my site.

I’m updating and adding new content regularly – you can keep track of site additions via my on Twitter and/or Facebook or other social networks where I consistently post updates.

In the meantime, I’ll keep working to provide you with quality (non-hokey) symbolic information in a simple, attractive format.

I hope this body of work gives you as good vibes as it does for me in creating it.

Thanks for visiting!

Mighty brightly,

© Copyrighted. All Rights Reserved.

Books by Avia

Books Written by Avia on Amazon

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story of whats-your-sign and about avia venefica

The Story Behind Whats-Your-Sign

Curious about how I got this website off the ground? It’s an interesting story. If nothing else, it’s a story about dreams coming true when we work hard and commit to a goal. Read about how whats-your-sign got started here.

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