Last Updated on April 9, 2024 by Avia
Full Moon Influence
From the Q & A Files
The following is a question about full moon influence…like how the full moon affects us and our environment. To be sure, the full moon absolutely has an impact on all of us. While this question is about the flower full moon of May (which happens to be a supermoon and eclipse in 2021), every full moon has a big impact on each of us throughout the year. Read further to find out more.

“Hi Avia, thanks for your lovely articles! I have a question regarding full moon influence in the month of May. Do you think the full Moon can affect our action in a negative sense? It seems, I always experience some trouble during this time, be it lack of sleep, emotional troubles or some kind of failure. Thanks!”
Avia’s Response to Victor’s Full Moon Influence Question
It is great that you are aware of the full moon influence. I wish more people would connect like this. I kept a moon journal for years….it is extremely illuminating to track how the phases affect mood and environment.
The short answer is “yes.” The full moon can influence us in various ways, including some unsavory ways. Consider – the moon’s movements influence EVERYTHING in our world. Then consider how diverse our world is. There’s no way every human, flower, ocean, animal is going to respond the same to a full moon, or a blue moon.

“It was lunar symbolism that enabled man to relate and connect such heterogeneous things as: birth, becoming, death, and resurrection; the waters, plants, woman, fecundity, and immortality; the cosmic darkness, prenatal existence, and life after death, followed by the rebirth of the lunar type (“light coming out of darkness”); weaving, the symbol of the “thread of life,” fate, temporality, and death; and yet others.”
― Mircea Eliade
Once upon a time, I worked an internship in a hospital Emergency Room. My colleagues and I dreaded the full moon. It was uncanny the onslaught of injuries we always dealt with during the full moon. Full moons in the ER were so chaotic, and we always saw the most bizarre injuries.
I share that story as a way to validate what you often experience during the full moon. It’s a drag to experience the full moon in a negative way. This lunar phase has so much potential for gain, growth and fulfillment. I hope you will not succumb to the idea that you are helpless to the influence of the moon. You have a great advantage by understanding this lunar influence.
Forewarned is forearmed. Prepare yourself in calm, gentle ways. Pamper yourself on the full moon, try to relax and get yourself in a happy place. Saturate yourself with as much positive energy and light-filled, joyful thoughts you can muster. Take on an attitude of gratitude and take stock of all you hold dear and appreciate. Doing this will repel negative energy, and hopefully you can start experiencing some exciting, positive times during the full moon!
I hoped this helped in regards to your question about full moon influence. Thanks for your question!
Mighty brightly,

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