symbolic monkey meaning
symbolic monkey meaning

Symbolic Monkey Meaning

Last Updated on September 30, 2020 by Avia

Hanging Out With Symbolic Monkey Meaning

Symbolic monkey meaning is colorful and fascinating. This article explores the deeper meaning of monkeys from social, behavioral and cultural perspectives. For example, the monkey totem is a reminder to hang out with friends and family and be incorporate more play time in our lives. Read more about monkeys here!

Monkeys are amazing primates swinging our way with messages of intelligence, intensity, and involvement. Before we go further into symbolic monkey meaning, it might be noteworthy to distinguish some differences between apes and monkeys.

In general, monkeys are smaller and typically have tails, where apes usually lacking them. Although both groups share strong social aptitude and strong communities, apes tend to be more social.

If you’re interested, take a look at the symbolic meaning of gorilla page for more insights into ape symbolism.

Symbolic monkey meaning is often deals with animated entertainment, and monkeys are depicted as mischievous figures in myth, legend and lore. In reality, this is true when we observe their behavior. No wonder attentive philosophers and scholars attributed playfulness and chicanery to the monkey. It’s important to note however, their goofing off isn’t random. Monkeys are particular about who they play with. If the monkey is your totem, you’ve got a penchant for practical jokes and good-hearted trickery. Just know it would be wise to choose the objects of your tricks wisely. There’s a time and place for good humor, this holds true for the recipient of our jocularity too. If the monkey is egging you on to pull a good prank (and if the monkey is your guide, it will absolutely encourage shenanigans), make sure your humor is well-intended, and the brunt of your joke will take your meaning as it’s intended.

In their social habitats, monkeys display amazing depths of compassion, understanding, and bonding. Grooming is a major activity for monkeys and they will spend ample time cleaning each others’ fur and skin. It’s a way to get close to family members, it’s also a form of protection – an expression of caring. This is great imagery for family and support. If the monkey comes swinging into your awareness, it might be a sign for grooming your loved ones. Perhaps not in a physical sense, but certainly watching out for your loved ones, offering demonstrable signs of encouragement to them, and letting your peeps know you love them and are there to give your support.

symbolic monkey meaning and monkey totem meaning
symbolic monkey meaning and monkey totem meaning

“The unexpected and incredible belong to this world.

This is whole life is made whole.”

~Carl Jung

Monkeys can be quite loud and have very interesting facial expressions. In fact, the Howler monkey can be heard from miles away and is considered one of the loudest animals. Their communication is complex and social in nature. Should your animal totem include the interaction between a troop of monkeys, consider your own position within your social structure.

The monkey isn’t shy and neither should you be! The monkey asks us to contemplate what we say, how we say it. In other words, take a moment to objectively consider how you present yourself to others and to the world.

Also, the monkey will help give you a presence of audacity, boldness and confidence. These creatures are not shy, and can often be incredibly aggressive in conveying their position (hey! That’s MY food, MY territory! Buzz off!). So, if you’re uncomfortable about standing up for yourself, meditate on the monkey. Doing so will allow the monkey to impress its boldness upon you.

Furthermore, when it comes to interactions with other animals, the monkey can be erratic, threatening, and defiant. This demonstrates defensiveness and reactivity. Monkeys can represent both change and resistance to change. These are important messages to retrieve from monkey-energy. If the monkey is your totem, be aware of these proclivities for aggression, inflexibility in behavior and the tendency to employ defense mechanisms when your authority is challenged.

Some keywords to consider while contemplating symbolic monkey meaning…

Animal Symbolism of Monkeys

  • Honor
  • Instinct
  • Community
  • Dominion
  • Swiftness
  • Distance
  • Mobility
  • Protection
  • Good Luck
  • Playfulness
  • Aggression
  • Intelligence
  • Energy/Action
  • Seriousness
  • Untamed Nature
symbolic monkey meaning and monkey totem meaning
symbolic monkey meaning and monkey totem meaning

The monkey’s tail is a big factor in symbolic monkey meaning too. It can be as long as 3 feet, helps in balancing, swinging, and hanging on trees. Tails represent tools of balance and control. When the monkey swings in the branches of our own lives, it’s a good time to take a look at our lives in terms of balance. Are we meeting our most primary needs with equanimity? Physical, emotional, spiritual, mental – these areas of our lives are key for balance, and the monkey will help us gain better control to find equilibrium in these areas.

The monkey’s tail also speaks of connection and mobility. Emotionally, this animal totem encourages us to embrace the unknown fears and doubts we all have. These can be deep-seeded and difficult to approach, but we have help. The monkey assists in connecting to our own authenticity, and this gives us the mobility to move out of the traps of fear and doubt.

In the Chinese zodiac, the monkey represents versatility, movement, and activity. If you are a monkey sign in the Chinese zodiac, you’re very likely quick-witted, and a fast-thinker. You make swift assessments, and you can typically produce results with remarkable speed. You’re agile in movement and mind, this gets you ahead in life. See more about the Chinese zodiac signs here.

The Indian Hindu god Hanuman is associated with the monkey. He is worshipped as a divine protector and an embodiment of strength. The mere mention of his name is said to dispel and remove negativity.

In Mayan symbology, the monkey held a place of great honor. It was considered to be a silver-tongued talker – meaning, a great orator – one who can speak with grace and persuasion. The Mayan’s also revered the monkey as an artist. In both instances, the monkey in Mayan ideology reinforces the idea of alacrity in expression, and intense creative productivity.

I hope you have enjoyed these ideas about the symbolic monkey meaning. Be sure to check out other pages on this website (links at the end of this page) for more insights into animal meaning and symbolism.

Take Away Tips About Symbolic Monkey Meaning

symbolic monkey meaning monkey totem

Never lose your curiosity.
There is a reason the monkey George in children’s stories is called curious. Monkeys are extremely inquisitive and curious about their environment, themselves and their communities. As a totem, the monkey reminds us to always approach life with awe, wonder and curiosity.

symbolic monkey meaning monkey totem

Sassy social skills.
Symbolic monkey meaning makes a big deal out of social behavior. Monkeys are extremely social, they live in tight-knit families and communities. They have advanced social skills, and communicate like pros. Very often the monkey asks us to be aware of our social circles, and how we are communicating with others.

symbolic monkey meaning monkey totem

Ready, set, PLAY!
Monkeys have a passion for playtime. They even make chores and work playful! When the monkey comes to our awareness, it’s often a nudge to remind us to get more playful in our lives. Try to approach that crummy ‘to-do’ list with a playful attitude. It will make work a lot more fun, and go by faster too!

knowing your animal totem

A Collection of Animal Totem Meanings

Animal totems play huge roles in our lives. They aid in self-discovery and capture our imagination, giving us incredible avenues of self-expression and awareness. From armadillos to zebras, click here to get a whole list of animal totem meanings.

Symbolic Meaning of the Gorilla

Often misunderstood as ferocious and aggressive, the gorilla is quite a peaceful creature. There are many misunderstandings about apes and gorillas, and I think that’s why this magnificent creature is often overlooked as a powerful totem animal. Get more about the symbolic meaning of the gorilla here. (WYS) is a trusted Etsy affiliate & Amazon Associate. We also promote certain products we've tested and approved. As such, the website features sponsored products for Amazon or Etsy or other afiliates. Should you make a purchase from a link on this website, WYS may receive a small commission. This website also hosts advertisements. Please see our policy page for further information. Thank you for your purchases, as it contributes to keeping this website online and running.