Last Updated on January 31, 2021 by Avia
Animal Symbolism: Gorilla Meaning
A Look at Gorilla Meaning and Animal Symbolism: Often misunderstood as ferocious and aggressive, the gorilla is quite a peaceful creature. Perhaps it’s close relationship with humans both in appearance and mannerism is what causes the gorilla to be a commonly overlooked totem. After all, the human mind tends to fear that which exposes its true identity.
The animal symbolism of gorilla is much more noble than face-value or surface appearance. Observe this regal creature in its natural habitat. Gorillas are vastly sociable, and have intricate methods of communication with each other. Furthermore, there is a great deal of honor involved with their interactions with each other.
Gorillas are intimately aware of each member within the community. In fact, the responsibility to assist both young and elderly members of the troop (term for a group of gorillas) are shared among all the members of the community. This is a message to us to not pass over our debt to our elders – but be active participants in their final days. Likewise, gorillas show us that we should be raising our children (not our TV sets).

A short-list of animal symbolism of the gorilla includes attributes that can offer us profound wisdom in our lives.
Summary of Symbolic Meanings of the Gorilla
- Communication
- Loyalty
- Leadership
- Compassion
- Intelligence
- Nobility
- Dignity
- Strength
- Responsibility
- Nurturing
- Connectivity
“We should be too big to take offense
and too noble to give it.”
~Abraham Lincoln

When the gorilla comes into our lives it is a signal for us to raise our heads and recognize the nobility within us. This is not prideful or boastful behavior. Rather, the gorilla exudes a quiet honor and a still dignity that makes a much more profound statement than any boast. We humans (particularly this day and age) would do well to mimic such regal behavior.
The gorilla also gives us a message of leadership but not of the aggressive kind. Rather, the gorilla manages other members within the troop with temperance, understanding, compassion and balance. Very seldom is aggression or violence required in order to get the point across. The gorilla reminds us that tyrannical leaders will never win respect. The message here is that decency, honesty, and quiet charisma win loyal followers.
The next opportunity you have, look into the soulful eyes of the gorilla, and you will know there is a depth of intelligence there that is undeniable. The gorilla reminds us there is more to knowledge than what is found in text books.
As an animal dream symbol, the gorilla represents the need to take action. When we dream of the gorilla it is a signal that we’ve been resting on our laurels, and it’s time to start earning that which we want instead of waiting for rewards to fall into our laps.
Invest the time to meditate upon the gorilla. You will find this amazing creature to be quite generous with its wisdom. You may also find the gorilla to be a life-long companion, it will remain loyal and devoted to you when you grant it the same respect.

What’s more, gorilla totems often impart a protective energy to those who are attracted to them.
I hope you have enjoyed these thoughts on the animal symbolism of the gorilla.
As always, thank you so much for taking the time to read this article. To be sure, gorilla meaning is powerful and offers a kind of guidance that is uncanny.
It would be prudent for all of us to pay close attention to our primate friends to understand all they have to share. From having a strong sense of community, to possessing a need to protect our territory, the gorilla is a fabulous messenger of fierce compassion, love and devotion.
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