Last Updated on December 20, 2022 by Avia
The concept of the god Janus has been around for centuries. The god is depicted as having two faces, looking both forward and backward at the same time. This duality makes Janus a symbol of beginnings, transitions, and doorways—a fitting symbol for a deity that looks both forward and backward in time. In this article, we will explore what it means to be the god Janus and its various symbols throughout history. We’ll also examine how the concept of Janus has been applied to modern issues such as progress, change, and decision-making. Read on to learn more about the mysterious and wonderful god Janus!
Table of Contents

Who is Janus?
Janus is the Roman god of beginnings and endings, doors and gates, passages and time. He is usually depicted as having two faces, one looking to the past and the other to the future. Janus represents change and transition, and his name is the origin of the month of January.
As the god of transitions, Janus was associated with doorways and passages. He was often invoked at births and marriages, as well as at beginnings and endings such as planting and harvest time, business ventures, journeys, wars, and treaties. Janus was also worshiped as the god of time itself.
He was symbolized by a double-faced head, or by two heads facing in opposite directions. Sometimes he was depicted holding a key in his hand – a symbol of opening doors or beginning new ventures.
The History of Janus
Janus is one of the oldest and most popular gods in Roman mythology. He is the god of beginnings and endings, transitions, gateways, and time. His name comes from the Latin word for door (janua), and his symbols include doors, gates, archways, and two-faced statues.
Janus was one of the most important gods in the Roman pantheon. He was believed to preside over all beginnings and endings, and was often invoked at transitions such as birth, marriage, and death. He was also the god of time, gateways, and doorways. Janus was usually depicted as a two-faced man, representing his ability to see into the past and future.
The month of January is named after Janus, as it marks the beginning of the new year. The ancient Romans also celebrated a festival called the Saturnalia in honor of Janus during December – a time when they traditionally exchanged gifts and enjoyed feasts and parties.

Janus in Myth and Lore
Janus is one of the most ancient and intriguing of all Roman deities. He is often depicted as a two-faced god, looking both to the past and the future. Janus represents beginnings, transitions, and endings. He is the god of doorways, gateways, passages, and bridges.
Janus was worshipped at the beginning of every undertaking, including wars, journeys, and marriages. He was also invoked at the end of these enterprises. Janus was thought to provide protection against evil spirits who might enter through doorways.
The month of January is named for Janus because it is the month of new beginnings. The first day of January is a holiday in his honor.
Janus appears in many myths and legends. In one story, he was born with two faces so that he could look both backward and forward in time. In another legend, Janus helped Jupiter overthrow the tyrannical ruler Saturn.
Janus was also said to have created the first man and woman from clay. He then gave them fire so that they could keep warm and cook their food.
Symbols of Janus
There are several symbols associated with the Roman god Janus. Perhaps the most well-known is the two-faced image of Janus, which represents his ability to see into the future and the past. Other symbols include doors and gateways, as Janus is the god of beginnings and endings. He is also often depicted with a key, as he is the keeper of keys and guardian of doors.
Symbolic of openings, unlocking wisdom, and having access to ideas, information, or places that are not available to everyone.
Symbolic of new beginnings, change, transition, and/or endings. Gateways are portals that have the potential to change perception and are often symbolic of a new chapter in life.
Two Faces
Symbolic of duality. Also symbolic of reflecting upon the past while embracing the future.

Janus Holidays and Celebrations
Janus is a god of beginnings, endings, and transitions. He is usually depicted as having two faces, one looking to the past and the other to the future. Janus is associated with doorways, gates, and passages. He presides over all beginnings, such as birth and marriage.
Janus is celebrated on New Year’s Day in many cultures. In Roman mythology, Janus was the god of doors and gateways. He was also the god of beginnings, endings, and transitions. Janus was believed to be able to see into the future and the past. He was often depicted with two faces, one looking forward and one looking back.
Janus is also associated with time and change. In some cultures, Janus is considered the god of time itself. He is also associated with seasons and weather changes.
How Can I Connect With Janus?
If you’re interested in connecting with the god Janus, there are a few things you can do. First, learn about his history and what he represents. Then, find ways to incorporate him into your life. You can do this by praying to him, meditating on his qualities, or even creating art or writing in his honor.
Janus is the god of beginnings, so he’s a great one to call on when you’re starting something new. He can help you set your intention and give you the strength to follow through. If you’re struggling with making decisions, Janus can also lend a hand. He’s known for being able to see both sides of every issue and can help guide you to the best decision for your situation.
When you’re ready to connect with Janus, light a candle in his honor or burn some incense. You can also wear jewelry or clothing that represents him. Alternatively, create an altar dedicated to Janus in your home where you can place items that remind you of him. The god also appreciates offerings such as food or drink. Whatever way you choose to connect with Janus, know that he is always ready to offer guidance and support.

Janus in Pop Culture and Modern Art
Janus is a popular figure in both pop culture and modern art. He has been featured in works by some of the most famous artists and writers, including Pablo Picasso, Max Ernst, and Andre Breton. Janus has also been mentioned in numerous songs, movies, and TV shows.
Some of the most popular depictions of Janus include Picasso’s painting “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon” and Ernst’s “The Elephant Celebes”. In both works, Janus is shown as a two-faced creature, with one face looking toward the past and the other toward the future. This reflects Janus’s role as the god of beginnings and endings, as well as his ability to see both sides of any situation.
Janus has also been referenced in many popular songs, such as The Beatles’ “Lady Madonna” and David Bowie’s “Ashes to Ashes”. In both cases, Janus is used as a symbol of change or transition. In the former song, he represents the change from innocence to experience, while in the latter, he represents Bowie’s own personal journey from stardom to obscurity.
TV shows have also made use of Janus’s symbolism. In an episode of The X-Files titled “Two Fathers”, Janus is used as a metaphor for Mulder and Scully’s complicated relationship. In another episode of the same show, titled “Closure”, Janus represents Mulder’s inability to let go of his
Suggestions for Janus Ceremonies and Rituals
There are many ways to honor the god Janus. In fact, in many temples dedicated to Janus, there was a special room called the Ianuarium where offerings were made to the god. This room was usually located near the entrance of the temple so that worshippers could start their journey by making an offering to Janus. You can do something similar, and here are a few suggestions:
- Janus can be honored with a simple ritual of lighting a candle and saying a prayer or offering a small gift.
- A more involved ritual might include cleansing oneself in water (symbolic of new beginnings) before making offerings or prayers to Janus.
- As Janus is the god of doorways, one could create an archway or doorway out of branches and leaves to welcome him into their home or space.
- Another way to honor Janus is through song and dance. Create music and movement that celebrates new beginnings and fresh starts.
Frequently Asked Questions About the God Janus
The God Janus is a major god in Roman mythology. He is often depicted as having two faces, one looking to the future and the other to the past. Janus represents beginnings, transitions, doorways, endings, and passages. He is also associated with time, change, and new beginnings.
Some of the symbols associated with Janus include doors, gateways, bridges, arches, and two-faced sculptures or coins. Janus is also sometimes represented by an image of a man with two faces looking in opposite directions.
The origin of Janus is uncertain. Some scholars believe that he was originally a Sabine god who was later absorbed into Roman mythology. Others believe that he may have originally been a Etruscan god. Regardless of his origins, Janus became an important figure in Roman religion and culture.
The God Janus was typically worshipped at times of transition or change such as the beginning of a new year or at the start of a new undertaking. His temple in Rome was one of the most important temples in the city and his festival (the Dies Natalis Jana) was celebrated on January 1st each year. Offerings made to Janus typically
Final Thoughts About the God Janus
Janus is an enigmatic god who represents the duality of time and space. He is often depicted as a two-faced god, looking both forward and backward in time. Janus is the god of beginnings and endings, of transitions and change. He presides over doorways, gates, and new beginnings.
Janus is a complex god with many layers of meaning. His dual nature represents the paradoxes of life: birth and death, light and dark, good and evil. Janus reminds us that change is inevitable and that we must embrace it if we want to move forward in life.
While Janus can be a tough god to understand, his symbols offer some insight into his mysteries. The most important thing to remember about Janus is that he represents the ever-changing nature of life itself.