Last Updated on December 1, 2023 by Avia
The Symbolism of the New Moon of December and Things to Do During This New Moon: December is a magical time, but it can also be a stressful one. This is particularly true at the end of the month when many of us are scrambling to finish up last-minute details before the holidays or before the new year begins. So, this new moon can bring up a lot of challenges, but it also poses a ton of opportunities.
The last new moon of the year has ambitious, powerful energy associated with it, and it encourages us to observe ourselves for the days and weeks ahead. Read further about the new moon of December, and check out some things to do during this month’s new moon.
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About the Symbolism of New Moons (in general)
Think of new moons as a clean slate. They offer us a “tabula rasa” (Latin for scraped clean) – a way to start anew and refresh our lives and our energy. Therefore, this timely new moon in December is a great “restart” opportunity that comes right before the new year. That will give us all an overarching feeling of anticipation for a better year ahead (which many of us really need right now).
Keep reading to explore stuff to do during the new moon of December in Capricorn that can reinforce these feelings of inspiration and preparation for a better year to come.
About the New Moon of December
On December 23, the new moon will take up residence in Capricorn—a cardinal earth sign ruled by Saturn. This lunation is hard-wired to amplify your energy. This is especially true in terms of being more stabilized and getting motivated to accomplish long-term objectives. Additionally, this new moon has an industrious feel to it. So, don’t be surprised if you feel compelled to get organized around this time.
This is a great thing because getting things squared away is encouraged by this new moon in December It will encourage you to be more prepared and positioned for a more substantial and fruitful start of the new year. Consequently, you’ll be ready to dive into a new chapter of life. And you’ll do so with a clarified perspective and better equipped to tackle your goals for next year.
Mercury Retrograde and December New Moon
Because Mercury is in retrograde, this is a perfect time to reflect on your goals. This is an A+ time to start making strides towards achieving them during the December new moon. With Capricorn’s persistent and unwavering influence, you may feel motivated to reflect upon this past year as a way to gird your loins and bravely face the next year.
Remember Capricorn is a “steady wins the race” kind of energy. This means there is no rush to meet goals or get to the finish line. This new moon sets a tone that says, “Keep your head down, stay orderly, keep focused, and move forward with steady progress.”
So, this Mercury retrograde position in the Cappy new moon is an ideal time to reflect on this year, while pressing boldly into the new year.
New December Moon and Chiron Connections
This new moon brings you a chance to devise a reasonable plan to work on your loftiest goals. This is because it’s happening just hours before Chiron, a comet that has earned the title of “Wounded Healer,” ends its five-month-long retrograde.
Think back on any internal, emotional work you’ve done related to an area where your sensitivity is amplified. If you’ve done this inner work, you are likely living more self-aware days now. Also, be aware of the green comet that is encroaching close to earth in January, as this will have a revolutionary effect upon you.
This awareness will certainly serve as a powerful tool as you take steps towards honoring yourself in the future as well as upholding your new moon intentions.

This New Moon Squares Jupiter
The alignment between Jupiter and the moon, which happens every 18 months, doesn’t necessarily imply that you’ll experience drama or turmoil. However, it could make you less discriminating or perhaps not as clear-minded in terms of being selective.
You might be tempted to dive into all sorts of projects without considering whether they’re a good fit for your schedule. This could result in overcommitting or overestimating — basically, biting off more than you can chew. Therefore, avoid being over-eager and be pragmatic (as Capricorn would have) when taking on too many new things.
Things to do During the New Moon of December
New moons give us ample opportunity to create rituals that are targeted towards things like making fresh starts, clearing the air, and planting new ideas. Here are some things to do during this new moon to harness this inchoate moon vibe.
Light a Candle
Take this opportunity to introduce an element of light into your life. For example, lighting a candle on the darkest night of the month can prompt feelings of hope and promise.
This new moon, make your own light as a reminder that where there is darkness, there is always illumination. You can also ask the universe for more light during this new moon and every one following it.
Light a candle and charge it with an intention, then let it burn out on its own. Engaging in the art of lynchnomancy is a phenomenal way to ride the energetic waves of this new moon of December. Oh, and if you are missing loved ones, light a special candle in their honor for this new moon of December. This is an ideal time to remember and cherish those we have lost, or people we miss in our lives.

Set an Intention
Because this new moon is flavored with the personality of Capricorn, it’s a perfect time to set intentions or clarify goals. Setting intentions is a way to keep you on track. It makes us feel more accountable. It’s also a great time to work with your spirit animals of December and allow them to help you with your goals and intentions.
Making intentions is also a brilliant way to gain control over our lives. It helps us obtain a clear focus on what direction we want to go. All of these things are encouraged by this Capricorn new moon.
Try Something New
Symbolically, the new moon has a freshy-fresh vibe. It’s also a fruitful moon phase too. As the new moon represents new beginnings, it’s a great time to start something new. In fact, astrological agriculture often recommends planting seeds during the new moon.
Bear that in mind on this new moon. Imagine planting soulful seeds and then visualize them sprouting large and in charge all throughout the following year. This new moon is the quintessential time to start a new project. Act upon a dream and plant seedlings of hope and promise that will amaze you in the future.
Final Thoughts on the New Moon of December
I hope you enjoyed these insights and suggestions about things to do during this new moon of December. It really is a fabulous time for this celestial event to happen because the timing of this new moon jives brilliantly with the upcoming new year. With this in mind, dream big, start anew with a bold attitude and have a stellar new year! Oh, and if you enjoyed this, you might also like to read my thoughts about the different full moon names for December and their meanings here.
Mighty brightly,

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