Last Updated on July 5, 2022 by Avia
Are you someone who needs to be prepared for everything in advance? Is the anxiety so tickling that you just want to know everything before it even happens? Seems impossible but well, it’s called wishful thinking for a reason, aye? To help you with the frenzy of thoughts that run through your mind this month, we are here to help with your astrology forecast for July!
Insights and Astrology Forecast for July
As 2022 continues to progress, we welcome July and all the summer vibes it brings along the way. The astrology forecast for July is now here, and we can’t wait to tell you all about it! Read on, so that you may avoid any blind spots as the month proceeds. And don’t forget, you can always find more insight from me (Jahben), and my friends at Top Psychics. So, without further haste, let’s dig into your astrology forecast for July.
Aries (March 21-April 19)

As July approaches, your signature Aries confidence will begin to bloom. As the momentum you have felt missing gets a boost, the upcoming month will be one of a kind. Although be aware that the full moon on July 13 in Capricorn may bring you some unexpected changes at work. In that case, be prepared to have a challenging conversation with your boss or the concerned party if the need arises.
For the Aries around the world, the Cancer season is all about spending quality time with birth or chosen family. The timing right now is also ideal for you to be rearranging your furniture and focus on DIYs. This is because the Sun and Venus are finally illuminating this part of your life throughout the new month.
As Chiron moves into a retrograde position in your sign, the opportunity to heal a tense situation from the past will arise. The ideal time is expected to be July 19. However, as the sun enters on July 22, you’ll have an astoundingly blazing time for parties and celebrations! Your focus will shift towards fun, play, and creativity. This is also the time when romance and dating will become a priority for you! So, if you are single, this is the time to put yourself out there. After all, you never know if the cupid is standing just around the corner.
The Aries horoscope for this year suggests that you will likely encounter some challenges but also celebrations. Initially, there may be some problems with learning and interests. You may not feel as motivated and keen on your interests. We advise you to indulge in some form of physical activity. After all, it is a great way of releasing some tension and pumping your spirit.
Taurus July Horoscope (April 20-May 20)

The Taurus horoscope suggests that your biggest challenge will be communicating how your feelings have been hurt this month. We suggest you open up instead of emotionally shutting down and listen to others after widening your perspective. In this manner, you will be able to honor your own feelings without ignoring other people.
On July 28, the new moon will be rising in Leo, and we encourage you to engage with your inner child. This will lead to the much-needed inner healing that your self-esteem currently requires. The planet of exertion, Mars, will be influencing you all month. Because of that, you will likely feel physically and emotionally driven, perhaps even feeling unsettled or anxious.
Once Mars activates Uranus and the north of destiny, the new version of yourself that has been in the preparatory phase since 2018 will fully emerge. This rare Astral configuration will remove whatever felt stagnant and outdated in your life, making room for the new you.
Instead of holding on to the shackles of the past, let the future unfold. As the chapters of your life, will begin to shine eventually. The Taurus horoscope this month is all about self-respect and self-confidence. Once you start putting your faith in yourself to get something significant done, there’s a high possibility that it will be done. The real fact that you aren’t afraid to stand up for yourself is one of the major reasons why you will be succeeding in all facets of life this month. If you put faith and dedication into getting something done this month, then it will manifest.
Gemini July Horoscope (May 21-June 20)

The Gemini horoscope of this month suggests a bit of downtime in July for you. Although people normally know you as the social butterfly, some downtime may be much needed this month. As Mars and Mercury switch signs on July 5th, you will crave to hunker down at home, probably with a good book. This feeling will only increase until Uranus and the North Node of Destiny finally connect on July 31st.
As Mercury enters Leo on July 19th, 2022, you will experience a helpless feeling of FOMO (fear of missing out). However, by July 28th, you will allow yourself to feel the joy that exists because of missing out (JOMO). When it comes to personal accomplishments, this month will prove to be fantastic for you. As far as creative activities are considered, you will be outdoing yourself numerous times. Remember to spend quality time on a project that is closer to your heart. Always make it a point to work hard and party harder!
You will be feeling a sense of feeling as the creative juices have just begun to flow. Expect to welcome the physical, emotional, and financial support that will be rendered to you by others in your life. You will notice that the more you demonstrate your commitment toward a better version of yourself, the more other people will strive to support you.
Once Mercury shifts into Leo on July 19th, you will be pushed to keep an open heart and an optimistic outlook without ignoring the red flags in a conversation. Along with mature planning, you may also decide to direct all your other skills towards goals in life. Just be sure to stay humble throughout your life. After all, the higher we are placed in life, the more politely we should be talking. When it comes to achievements, try not to be overconfident about them; instead, be humble in your pursuits.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Astrology reading for cancers this year suggests that all the spheres of life will be influenced. This month, you will need to hustle hard, work hard, and the upcoming year will prove to be rewarding. You will be able to surpass each milestone this month as you set your focus in the right direction.
Inaction breeds doubt and fear, whereas action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer your fears, then do not sit at home. Rather go out in the pursuit of risks and achievements.
Gemini students may have to continue working hard on their goals. The focus of your pursuits must be directed towards academic excellence rather than socializing in various activities. But do remember that all work and no play makes for a dull time of things. So take time out from your studies and make time for new hobbies, exciting interests, and other activities that will build your personality.
Gemini’s should be focused on managing their time between academics and extracurricular activities widely. For example, try to not opt for a study group as study often gets hampered, and you will spend a major chunk of your time chilling and chit-chatting. Instead, try and study by yourself; then, you will be more focused and be able to complete the syllabus early on.
Leo July Horoscope (July 23-Aug. 22)

This month your hard work will finally pay off. You will be reaching a personal goal related to your work life or wellbeing that will be raising the pressure of responsibility that you have been feeling lately. As the Leo season is near, In July 2022, you will notice that your loved ones are making big efforts to support your happiness by encouraging you to be yourself unapologetically.
Don’t forget to attune your intuition, as the beginning of the month will be a ride. The universe will send downloads your way in the form of signs, messages, and flashes of insight. Leo, this will be especially true for you as the Grand Water Trine, which stays between July 8 and July 17, begins. Just remember to rest, tune in, and absorb as much as you possibly can.
Once the sun enters your sign in July 2022, you will be ready to shine in front of the whole world. The Mars-Uranus-North Node will load you with ambition making the second quarter of this month ideal to focus on making top-notch moves within your career. 2022 will prove to be an action-packed year for the majestic lions. This month, focus your time and energy and plan on executing.
Virgo July Horoscope (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This month you may feel overwhelmed by a feeling of drudgery and a strong desire to break free from everything around you. Clearing your mind will be the easiest thing to do. If something doesn’t make sense, you can either look into it further or choose to disregard it entirely. The beginning of this month is crucial for you as you might be on the verge of closing an important deal or networking to promote your work. Venus will be in your sector of career and public visibility until July 17 there, instigating you to make power moves in this area of your life.
You need to be mentally prepared for the obstacles that lay ahead of you during this time. Your patience might be tested a lot as growth could be a bit stifling for you. You may struggle to express yourself as the mercury shifts in Cancer and Leo. Being quiet all this time has its toll; if you don’t like being silent, this will be negative energy for you. You may experience emotional meltdowns brewing in yourself on July 28 that will be brought on by both the new moon and Jupiter’s backward spin. Don’t try to shut your thoughts from being heard and known. Someone will benefit from your knowledge on the 31st – so please speak up!
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

This month you may feel uncomfortable, shy, or even social anxiety in public; this year, you will become more aware of that deepening anxiety and may even encounter it back. You will get instantly aware whenever you start feeling like your energy is off.
Astrology Libra 2022 says that you will find the courage to face your anxiety this month. You may start looking at things from a different angle, and this will help in calming down your stress. 2022 is when you tell your brian who manages it and how you will not let your emotions cloud your judgment anymore. Another thing that could help you this month is meditation.
Try to perform meditation every day. Be sure to take out 20 minutes of the day to practice meditation, calmness, and peace. Meditation will help you on this journey to your inner-self. Starting your mornings with meditation is a great way to tone your day. After meditation, we tend to feel less vulnerable and calmer right from the morning. This energy is then taken and reflected in all that we do.
Inculcating morning meditation into your routine will help you be patient, calm, less judgemental, and take criticism and negativity more effectively. As a result, you will be more peaceful and transparent with your confidence increasing notches!
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This month you will have a fantastic time with all your smiles. You will be putting in substantial efforts to reach your goals. Remember having fun does not have to look like a chore! Keep your focus here and now rather than fretting about the future. This month, focus on enjoying a boost in your romantic life. However, given that there is a chance that you may fall into debt if you keep on spending to this extent, just be sure to cut back a little.
You might be clinging to a belief even though life has shown you numerous times that it is not the right thing to do. After all, your intuition is not always on point, especially when your emotions are at play. It is high time you start seeing things for what they are rather than what you want them to be.
Your difficult start of the month will be lightened as the Leo season begins in July 2022, pushing your focus towards shining in your workplace. Focus on learning how to be a leader and setting an example for others to follow.
Scorpio, you can be combative sometimes with the ones you care about. It’s not that you want to dominate them; you just believe that love is a game made for two. Instead of projecting your insecurities, on July 5, try to understand them instead and choose the right words to express yourself. When Uranus and the North node of Destiny align together on July 31, you might want to run away again when you find that old strategies of yours are no longer working in the relationship.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The Sagittarius Horoscope for July 2022 states that your ability to experience and sort through things will make you exceptionally good at sorting out the budget per the new scheme. This means that finance is one area you undoubtedly have control over now. Therefore, your financial position may be more stable and robust than ever.
This may come after a lot of hard work that you have been putting in since last year. Now that you are in the right position, you can go ahead and plan some trips for some time now. You can choose to look for new destinations like beaches, mountains, go RV camping, or take a luxury holiday may do you some good. At work, you might receive a lot of appreciation from your bosses. Hence, just take precautions and stay away from office gossip. Focus on your position and performance alone. Remember, your biggest competition is just you and your procrastination.
The management in your office is at your side, and you may need to work to strike a balance between seniors and colleagues. Hard work never gets unnoticed, and soon you will be receiving credit for it.
Capricorn Astrology Forecast for July (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

This month, you will find it easier to set boundaries within your relationships, thanks to the newfound clarity on who you are and what you deserve. After the full moon in Capricorn on July 13th settles, you will be focused on surrounding yourself with people who tend to understand and value you.
If someone has broken your trust this year, then you might have to go an extra mile to be vulnerable and keep an open heart. As the planets in your astrological chart begin to stir, you will be required to put much energy into relationships. Deep conversations and some repressed feelings may come to the surface.
Big epiphanies are also present on the menu, especially as July 16th and 17th come around. This will be followed by a grand finale that might take place around the full moon of July 14th. Let the old goe, dear Capricorn, as just three days later, Benus will be gracing the part of your life as July 17th begins.
From this moment on, you will form juicier connections and more exhilarating friendships. There is a high probability for you to make profitable partnerships as well when the month begins to end. Lucky you!
Aquarius July Horoscope (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The year 2022 will have harmony as the keyword for you. The Aquarius horoscope states that you will be following the principles of peace, which will help you in your endeavor. At different facets of your life, whether it is your work, home, friends, or even your hairdresser, you will continue to spread joy and happiness!
Thanks to the principles of harmony, you will be feeling grateful to the universe this month. Just make sure you do not miss out on acknowledging anyone in your life since ignorance can take away your importance in the coming days. Remember to give due credit to individuals for their hard work. After all, people perform better when appreciated for their work.
Appreciation and acknowledgments often go a long way for everyone. A lack of appreciation often makes people less motivated to achieve things they want in life. Whereas when they are appreciated, the motivation to overcome the hardest obstacles is fulfilled.
From a career perspective, you might be looking forward to changing your job because the current position may not seem very satisfying to you. But unfortunately, the right astrological moment has not yet arrived. So, it would be better if you maintained your cool for now.
Pisces July Horoscope (Feb. 19-March 20)

This month, your long-held manifestations may finally actualize, thereby bringing a satisfying end to a period of all work and no play. Celebrate the time and effort you invested in making your dreams come true. Then come back into life by taking your work easily, following your heart, and giving love and support to the people around you who acquire a confidence boost. You will finally be able to change your focus.
As for your relationship, the zodiac readings state that you need to change your attitude a little. After all, for relationships to work, love is never enough. How could it be? Relationships require time, energy, effort, and commitment. Nobody is asking you to change your whole persona, dear Pisces, but handling love casually may result in you losing it altogether.
It is always an interesting dilemma as to who will make the first move. Now in this relationship, nothing seems to be happening because each of you is hoping for the other to take the initiative. Well, you should better make a move before it gets late. This is what the stars have to say for you.
Wrapping Up Your Astrology Forecast for July
Whether it is business, love, partnerships, study, whatever facet of life you pick, or whatever your zodiac might be. The stars have something special in store for each and every one of us. We hope that these forecasts for the upcoming month have been astoundingly helpful for you and you enjoyed the reading as much as we did the analysis! See you next month as we witness a new shift in the moon and stars! Happy Zodiac-ing!

About the Author: Jahben is a 3rd generation intuitive and has spent two decades studying various divinatory art forms. He has devoted his life to learning and has been trained by some of the finest healers, psychics, and mystics of today. Jahben is committed to his clients and has helped thousands clarify their life purpose, obtain healing remedies, and consistently provides intuitive guidance. Find out more about Jahben and how you can gain personal wisdom through his intuitive & interpretive gifts by visiting his website here at