bodhi tree symbolism
bodhi tree symbolism

Bodhi Tree Symbolism

Last Updated on January 24, 2021 by Avia

Bodhi Tree Symbolism and Meaning

Bodhi Tree Symbolism and Meaning of the Bodhi

The bodhi tree symbolism is all about the concept of “awake-ness” long before Prince Siddartha Gautama entered the opening of enlightenment beneath its leaves in 528 B.C..

Indeed, the name bodhi or (also known as bo) means “awakening.” Even the scientific world recognizes the spiritual associations with this tree as its botanical name, ficus religiosa, means “religious fig.”The bodhi tree is sacred in India, and venerated in Bodhgaya where it is said the descendant of the original tree where the Buddha experienced spiritual awakening still grows.

Even before the Buddha’s spiritual expansion sparked the revolutionary religious teachings of Buddhism, the bodhi tree symbolism was associated with Vishnu, a major archetypal Hindu god. Vishnu is the sustainer of the universe and part of the holy trinity with Brahma and Shiva completing the divine triad.

Ancient Indian art depicts Vishnu nestled amongst the delicate leaves of the bodhi, peering out through the universe with his infinite spiritual vision. It makes me wonder if the bodhi was a source of energy for Vishnu.

bodhi tree symbolism
Bodhi tree symbolism is closely linked to one of the many incarnations of the Buddha who is said to experience spiritual awakening while sitting beneath the Bodhi tree

“If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees.”

~Hal Borland

Looking at the bodhi, it wouldn’t be an unreasonable assumption. It exhudes a high, bright, fine energy. It speaks of playfulness and thoughtfulness. Its leaves are lively and just as the ancient Celts utilized the dance of the aspen as an augury, I’m quite sure Buddist monks can interpret the sign language of the lilting bodhi leaves.

Additionally, the bodhi moves its body in wild rhythmic contortions, forming organic twists that curl up in our imaginations. When we look upon it with childlike eyes we can see whirling clouds, dancing maidens, and beautifully wrinkled faces of old sages laughing in the bodhi bark.

Furthering it’s honorable status, the tender bodhi leaves provides nourishment to elephants, a sacred animal to India.

Silkworms are also considered very auspicious and they too enjoy the fruits of the bodhi.

bodhi tree meaning
Bodhi tree symbolism – keywords

Bodhi Tree Symbolism – Meaningful Keywords

  • Joy
  • Play
  • Luck
  • Light
  • Calm
  • Hope
  • Peace
  • Charm
  • Patience
  • Laughter
  • Softness
  • Brilliance
  • Patience
  • Endurance
  • Awakening
  • Longevity
  • Innocense
  • Tranquility
  • Preservation
  • Sustainment
  • Enlightenment

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Symbolism In Nature

Symbols and signs in nature are so obvious in their presence among us – and so generous in sharing their energetic experience with us. Perhaps it’s this easy availability that causes us to take nature and her symbols for granted. Learn more about symbolic meanings in nature here. (WYS) is a trusted Etsy affiliate & Amazon Associate. We also promote certain products we've tested and approved. As such, the website features sponsored products for Amazon or Etsy or other afiliates. Should you make a purchase from a link on this website, WYS may receive a small commission. This website also hosts advertisements. Please see our policy page for further information. Thank you for your purchases, as it contributes to keeping this website online and running.