Last Updated on June 13, 2022 by Avia
Hello all, June is typically a great month for gatherings, sharing, caring and enjoying warmer weather (at least in the northern hemisphere). Celebrating dads and grads, and just having a good time with loved ones are all on the agenda this month. For some of you, this is also going to be a month of reexamination, refocusing, and reorganizing. Check out these astrology horoscopes for June and explore what is potentially in store for you this month.
It’s time to boost your attitude of gratitude. This is especially true with certain people in your life. Specifically, the female and feminine folks in your world deserve a big “thank you” from you. It doesn’t matter with which polarity this feminine energy is aligned (negative or positive). Just thank this person for being there, because I can guarantee she is a vessel of lessons. With her help, and by acknowledging her presence, this month is going to crack open some massive awareness for you. June will see you serving as a conductor – electrically charging the environment around you with your powerful new perspectives.
Get back on solid footing. It feels like your slipping and sliding. It’s that lack of surety that’s put you in a bit of downslide. It also feels like you’re not privy to all the details about a contract or community project, and you feel like the odd man out. No worries. As my brother-in-law says, don’t worry about everybody else, just “stick with what you know kiddo.” Put your dogged determination to good use and keep focused on what you do know – your skills, talents, and areas you perform exceedingly well. Also, try to accentuate the positives and attempt to not dwell on the negatives Don’t let those turkeys get you down – and certainly don’t allow them to push you off your balance. Dig your heels in my Taurus friend.
June is going to bring you a healing, but it’s not going to come the way you think it will. Just like you – things aren’t always as they seem. Be open to all possibilities. You’re good at that anyway, you’ve got a keen knack for seeing all the different angles, and being open minded before making final judgments. While you’re anticipating your unorthodox healing, get outside more. Fresh air is the Rx for this month. If you have pets, spend more time with them, spoil them a little more this month too. You’re cup runneth over Gemini, whether you acknowledge it or not.
It feels like work has got you edgy again. I get the impression you’ve been working overtime (if not literally, then metaphorically) at putting things in order and setting things right. It’s been a challenge too because you’ve had to deal with some really complex issues. Meanwhile, other aspects of your life are feeling a bit neglected. I know for certain you’re not getting enough rest. What can I say to ease your mind dear Cancer? That all your efforts and hard work or not in vain? That’s a given. You know your investments will pay off (you’re intuitive like that). Perhaps a bit of advice. Do a detox this month (Google it if you’re unsure what healthy detoxing is). Gradually cycling out your impurities will let your light shine more clearly, and certainly allow you the rest you deserve.
I feel you doing a crazy jig and singing “you’re in the money” to yourself. June is going to see you “in the money.” Most of it is going to come from your primary source of income – but expect more (raise? promotion? bonus?). Even though I see this financial boost is coming from your regular gig, I want you to start looking at all the other dazzling opportunities sparkling in your world too. I’ve got a feeling you’re overlooking your value (in multiples) within the context of the whole. You can fill so many niches because of your powerful intellect and diverse array of abilities. Just give it some thought. Knowing you, you’ll chip away at this idea as you’re inclined – and as you come into the reality of your true power – there will be no stopping your momentum.
This is going to be a month of revelation and reflection for you. I daresay you will experience a breakthrough this month. Maybe even of a spiritual nature. It’s about time too, because I get the impression you’ve been in the land of “Betwixt” (between a rock and a hard place, that is), and just stuck in general. It’s okay, the light is just peeking over the horizon in June. And, your epiphany will be as equal in its intensity as your suffering or frustration has been. You’re liberation is at hand dear Virgo. The question is, what will you do with your enlightenment once received?
Balance always seems to be in the cards for you, Libra. (duh) June is going to ask you to balance your budget. Better yet, get a well-rounded picture of your finances. Your proclivity is to be picky about details. I’m asking you to put over-critical tendencies aside. Step back from the finances and get a big, objective (nonjudgmental) picture. Get an overview, by asking a simple question: Where are you spending the most? Then make one or two sensible shifts to that outgoing money. It just feels out of balance right now, and you know there are simple “big picture” steps you can take to tip the scales in your favor. And, while you’re at it, do your best to plant a little “seed” money (hold a bit back in savings).
Feeling a little lackluster lately? Heavy sighs of apathy or boredom? June is going to ask you to shake off those blues, and put on your boogie woogie shoes. Get your fancy party dress dry cleaned, or your formal suit pressed. I’ve got a feeling this month is going to see you socializing, and coming out of your shell. Put the polish on. Get gussied up. Let your light shine. After all, you’ve been working extremely hard lately. It’s high time you let your hair down, and let off some steam. In this way, you’ll also experience a physical healing. You know what they say, “laughter is the best medicine” and a little fun and glam is the prescription for a light heart this month.
There’s an upsurge in your creativity, but it won’t come without a price. Usually you’re pretty easy going about stuff, but June is going to have you playing defense. It feels like you’ve got a creative project that you’re having to defend. Normally, you’d amicably see your way to a different solution. But this project is a soul-baby, and you want to protect it in an uncharacteristically fierce way. Try not to lose your cool when you’re in the middle of “pitching” your idea, or defending your creative stance. Stay the course, find sure footing, and don’t let the intensity of your passion make you unstable.
To say a lot of weight bears on your shoulders is an understatement. You’re responsible for people, projects, events – it makes me tired thinking about it. But, there is a part of you that very much enjoys being depended upon. It’s the burden of obligation that weighs heavily – while your generosity in helping others makes your heart sing. Luckily, June will see you with renewed energy in relationships that will allow you to readjust the challenges of responsibility. You’ll be able to cut some ties that have bound you. Where you were once taken advantage of, June will see you shooing a few clingy, co-dependent energies away. This is going to be a natural experience too. Enjoy a bit of relaxation, and feel the ease in loosening responsibility.
June has you bubbling over with social excitement. Love fills your cup, and lights up your aura in bright neon hues. The sweetness of rekindled relationships will touch you gently this month. New babies are being born in your life too. With them, nostalgia will follow like you’ve never known. Relish this time of love, sharing and reflection. If you’ve got family reunions scheduled – make an effort to do more than just eat cake. Sit down with loved ones and share family lineage. Haul out the scrap books, and family trees. Discuss your bloodline with your kin. Doing so will expand your heart-awareness remarkably.
“You create your own story” is something a buddy once said to me, and I think it applies to the impulses I’m getting for you in the month of June. There are motivations that move deep within you, and these motivations tie a proper narrative together. String together one personal commentary after another in order to present a whole picture of yourself to the world around you. This makes you more clear and valid to friends, family, mates, etc. June is going to ask you to embark on a journey to release a new story about yourself. Drop negative thinking and refuse to believe “false truths” others try to cast upon you about yourself. June will bring you new insights about your identity that you can reflect upon. Just remember how amazingly shiny you are with better stories you tell about who you are, and let that lovely luster ooze from you like glorious, nutritive honey. It’s your essence – let it show.
The Last Word on Astrology Horoscopes for June
Of course, these astrology horoscopes for June are just intended as a helpful guide. Ultimately, you and your choices are what predict your month of June. Whatever you are going through, I hope you have a lovely June. As always, thanks for reading!
Mighty brightly,

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