Last Updated on February 5, 2021 by Avia
Zodiac Symbols For Taurus
Exploring Zodiac Symbols for Taurus: Ah, Taurus…the tried, the true, the stable, dependable sun-sign of the zodiac. What would we do without you, dear Taurus? I for one would be utterly lost without your stoicism, and your solid presence in my life.
True to their sun-sign nature, Taurus zodiac symbols mimic that earthy, grounded essence that all Taurus’ express in one way or another. For example, the elemental zodiac symbol for Taurus is earth. What better way to express connection with strong foundation and that “feet on the ground” persona than earth?!
Maybe you’re a Taurus, and want to dig deeper into the layers of your zodiac symbols. Or…perhaps you have a Taurus friend and you’re curious about their bullish qualities. Learning about the symbols associated with a sign is a sure-fire way to peek into the deeper intricacies of an astro-personality type.
Oh, and please note…these zodiac symbols are based on Taurus sun-signs. Your astrological chart is replete with many different kinds of signs.

“Dependability is more important than talent. Dependability is a talent, and it is a talent all can have. It makes no difference how much ability we possess if we are not responsible and dependable.”
~Floyd Bennett

For example, you may be a Sagittarius moon sign, Scorpio may have a huge influence in one of your houses, or your Part of Fortune may be governed by Aries. Sound confusing? It isn’t really.
Consider the sun. It shines light. It exposes what is in the dark, or in shadow. Same with your sun-sign. In fact, the reason most horoscopes deal with sun-signs is because that is the public aspect we present to the world – the part of us that is most easily seen (metaphorically, by the sun shining upon us).
If you really want to get your astro nitty gritty, go to to cast your chart and ogle over all your lovely astro-facets.
So, without further ado, let’s take a look at the key zodiac symbols for the sign of Taurus.
Taurus Zodiac Symbols and Sign Meanings

The Prime Zodiac Symbol for Taurus
This is the symbol for Taurus. It’s such an innocent-looking glyph, isn’t it? In truth, there are a lot of ways to interpret this symbol.
Most obvious is the likeness of a bull. Taurus is the bull of the zodiac, and it’s glyph represents this magnificent creature. The circle is the face, the protrusions from the circle represent bull horns. Strong, determined, focused and sometimes stubborn, the bull is a great symbol for Taurus. I’ll talk more about the astro-totem bull for Taurus later in this article.
If you’ve dabbled a bit in astrology, you know that all things are connected. Tug on one thread, and it inevitably wiggles the weave someplace else in the tapestry. I mention this because even though we’re talking about sun-signs, the Taurus glyph is reminiscent of lunar symbolism too. Consider the circle, which represents the full moon. This is symbolic of attainment, achievement, completion…qualities Taurus folk really get jazzed about. The ‘horns’ atop the full circle represent a half moon. This is symbolic of what you might expect…half-complete, not-quite-finished, or a halfway mark on the road to completion. Most Taurus’ don’t mind half way marks on the journey, but they usually don’t take setbacks well. From a symbolically lunar perspective, the glyph represents making peace with the progress required to get to the end-goal. That includes delays, disappointment and setback. In this light, the lunar-affiliated glyph encourages acceptance with all phases of attainment.

Elemental Zodiac Symbol for Taurus
Earth: As mentioned, Taurus is intimately linked with the earth, and all their energies. Many Taureans exhibit this connection, from gardening, to appreciating the finer side of materialism. Earth is the essence of grounding, and Taurus’ feels best when they are on level ground. Risks, unknown’s, doubts and fluffy intangibles are often unsavory factors for the Taurus.
These earthy folk like rock solid facts. They want concrete proof. Tareans, like their earth element, can be unmovable. Moving a Taurus to make a decision they are not 100% sure about is like moving a mountain – it just ain’t gonna happen.
I love how the earth element influences Taurus’ personality. Because earth is such a touchy-feely element, Taureans tend to like tangible stuff too. I remember shopping with a group of friends of mine. Being me, I knew all their sun-signs. It was particularly interesting to watch my Taurus friends shop. They touched everything! Smelled everything! Tasted everything! And they absolutely relished all the physical sensations. That’s the earth influence.

Flowers as Zodiac Symbols for Taurus
Poppy: The symbolic meaning of poppy is linked with exploration of the senses. This is a classic marriage with Taurus’ bright ability to get intimately tactile with their environment. The poppy is a reminder to immerse our senses in the beauty that waits for us in every inch of this world. Taurus has a natural ability to ‘contact high’ from the loveliness around them. Often, they find pleasure from the most unique things, and find satisfaction from the little things in life. A great cup of coffee. A well-made soap. Fresh, high-quality bed sheets. Things sometimes people take for granted, a Taurus will revel in the quality of these things/situations. Poppies are a metaphor for that. Their lives in the garden are fleeting, so they take advantage of the conditions they have and flourish in the goodness they’ve got.
Check out more flowers as zodiac symbols for Taurus here.

Stones as Zodiac Symbols for Taurus
Emerald: Emeralds come in many different colors, but the most common hue is green. Green is a Taurus-affiliated color because it mimics the grass, trees – the very earth they are so connected with. Green is also a money color, and Taurus knows about money. Many Taurus have the gift of money-management. Most Taurus also know the value of money and materials. Emeralds will enhance these qualities, while also affording an essence of balance. In other words, emeralds will allow a Taurus to appreciate material gain, while not become obsessed with it.
Check out more gemstones as zodiac symbols for Taurus here.

Overarching Zodiac Symbols for Taurus
Bull: If you’ve ever seen a bull in real life, you may have noticed a fixed quality in his demeanor. That’s a Taurus trait for sure. Solid, focused, strong. Bulls are also symbolic of provision and service. They have a long historical history of helping in agriculture, as well as providing sacrifice in ancient ceremonies. Taurus is in their element when put in a position to help and serve. If they feel they are helping to make lives better, then they are genuinely satisfied. This is especially true if a Taurus is striving to help their family and friends too.
Learn more about Taurus connection with this animal and more about bull symbolism here.
Hopefully this article on zodiac symbols for Taurus has offered a bit more insight into this dynamic personality. Taurus have amazing assets, and their symbols reflect those bright qualities.
I’ve written loads more about various awesomeness concerning astrology. Be sure to check out the links below for all kinds of goodies on zodiac symbols and meanings.
Thanks for reading about the fascinating realm of zodiac symbols for Taurus.
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More Zodiac Signs And Meanings
Have fun with the zodiac signs and meanings below listed. Use them as a basic guide to help you understand the various personalities of the people in your life. But please, this is only a guide – I encourage you to study further and continue to gather your own knowledge on the fascinating subject of astrology. Learn more about zodiac signs and symbol meanings here.

Zodiac Sign Dates
Please enjoy this chart for zodiac sign dates, symbols and meanings. Each sign has unique elements that influences that sign. For example, Aries is governed by fire and the planet Mars – whereas Aquarius is governed by the element of air, and is ruled by the planet Uranus. Find out more about zodiac sign dates and influences here.