Last Updated on October 5, 2020 by Avia
Symbolic Meaning of Mandala
What is the Meaning of Mandala?
The meaning of mandala comes from Sanskrit meaning “circle.” Even though it may be have features like squares or triangles, a mandala always has a concentric (circular) nature.
Symbolic Meaning of Mandala. Mandalas offer balancing visual elements, symbolizing unity and harmony. The meanings of mandala depends upon color, geometric elements and culture.
The goal of the mandala is to serve as a tool on our spiritual journey as it symbolizes cosmic and psychic order.
Mandalas have been used by lots of culturs. From Buddhism to Hinduisim, Aboriginal to Hopi…even ancient alchemy – to be sure, mandalas have served mankind for centuries. The famed Swiss psychiatrist, Dr. Carl Jung, employed the mandala in his work with clients. He felt when concentrated upon (explained in this article) deeper human consciousness became elevated to an extend the conscious was able to receive revelation about about the true potential and wholeness of the self.

How do I use a mandala?
Along with the meaning of mandala, comes the use of it. There are many uses, the following paragraghs will outline the basic process.
The design of the mandala is to be visually appealing so as to absorb the mind in such a way that chattering thoughts cease, and a more philosophic or spiritual essence envelopes the observer which in turn leads to higher consciousness or awareness. In short, a mandala can be seen as a hypnotic, letting the creative hemisphere of our mind run a little more free while our analytical mind takes a little nap.
That said, we use the mandala as a form of meditation for the purpose of gaining knowledge, primarily the kind that resides within each of us.
Before meditating, we must first set an intention. Normally, we select a mandala that appeals to us. It is good to know what the meaning of mandala you’ve chosen – or set your own meanings/intention before focusing on it.

For example, focusing Native American labyrinth mandala, we know this meaning of mandala relates to beginnings, our eternal nature, and how this is relative to our life journey. So, before meditating on the mandala we set the intention to more clearly understand our life journey, or be shown guidance in a particular area we are having trouble on the path.
Once we have set our intention, we begin to focus on the mandala. Let your eyes take in the beauty of the designs, allowing your mind to wander as it will.
“Each person’s life is like a mandala – a vast, limitless circle.
We stand in the center of our own circle,
and everything we see,
hear and think forms the mandala of our life.”
~Pema Chodron
If your mind begins to chatter (i.e., I should do laundry, have to get milk, need to finish that report for work), simply bring your attention back to the beauty of the mandala. Get inside the mandala, simply fall into it, swim in it, let it absorb all of your attention.
As you fall into the mandala, you will begin to feel lighter, and intuitive thoughts may arise. Relax and float with the thoughts and feeling that come to you. If you begin to feel lost, uncomfortable or if you get the “chatter” again, simply focus your attention back on the mandala.
Each observer has different experiences. However, the overall consensus is that meditating with the mandala leaves the observer relaxed, and he/she comes away with a resolution or clarity concerning the intention that was set before the meditation.
Another form of mandala meditation is to make or color a mandala of your own. Painting, coloring or drawing mandalas allows for our creative brain to come out and play, leading to an altered state where we can perform constructive healing, and gain incredible insight into ourselves and our lives.
I hope you enjoyed these thoughts on meaning of mandala. Check out the links at the end of this page for more mandala meanings and symbolic portents. Thanks for reading!
May all your mandala meditations be mesmerizing.

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