Last Updated on January 18, 2021 by Avia
Celtic Symbol For Warrior
Ideas About The Celtic Symbol For Warrior: I’ve been asked on several occasions if there is a Celtic symbol for warrior, or a symbolic representation of such. Celtic symbols are sometimes tough to accurately identify because the surviving written records of Celtic symbol representation are spotty at best.
Much of the research has been from conjecture and supposition from authorities and historians of ancient Celtic culture. Other information of ancient Celtic symbols comes by way of the Romans who observed the Celts in awe and made note of their colorful diversity.

Hazy historic details aren’t so bad. This allows us to tap into the mystery of the Celtic way, follow our hearts, and open up to our intuition when it comes to Celtic symbolism.
Most likely, Celtic clans would adopt personalized symbols indicating their warrior status. These personal symbols would be exhibited in daily art as the Celts were master artists and craftspeople.
Some such personal symbols may include knot motifs (with turns holding specific meaning), skulls, colors, personal (clan) insignias, animals (as a sort of family or personal totem), trees & other vegetation, etc.
Regarding the Warrior – the Celtic representation of this attribute would have certainly been created artistically and exhibited proudly. As we know, the Celts were a warring culture – and thus likely correlated identity with courage.

“We have no word for the man who is excessively fearless; perhaps one may call such a man mad or bereft of feeling, who fears nothing, neither earthquakes nor waves, as they say of the Celts”
A fierce warrior would be apt to establish his symbolic status as a warrior with woad tattoos.
There are certain theories that the Celtic warrior would have free flowing tattoos embellished on his body along sexual/prime energy points of his body….these points are called meridians. The idea is that these imprints along power meridians would enhance the warriors’ performance in battle.
A sword is the ultimate symbol of a warrior. Meaning, the Celtic warrior’s sword would be an utmost status symbol.
Further research uncovers Some forms of Celtic/ancient Anglo divination reference the Celtic symbol for warrior.

“Physically the Celts are terrifying in appearance, with deep sounding and very harsh voices. In conversation, they use few words and speak in riddles, for the most part, hinting at things and leaving a great deal to be understood. They frequently exaggerate with the aim of extolling themselves and diminishing the status of others. They are boasters and threateners and given to bombastic self-dramatization, and yet they are quick of mind and with a good natural ability for learning.”
~Diodorus Siculus, first century B.C.
Celtic Symbol for Warrior Ideas
The Ken rune is a symbol of flame. It speaks of sex, action, heroism, and is the rune of the fierce warrior. There is a tale that the Celtic warrior would wear this sacred rune around his neck in battle to invoke the gods of war for assistance in battle. Fire in itself is a theme and symbol for warriors in the Celtic culture because it stands for energy, vitality and hope. In fact, fire was a common feature in warrior rituals, ceremonies and rites of passage. Fire suggests transformation from boy to man. It is present as a reminder of initiation and honor. Perhaps most importantly, fire is a symbol of a warrior who brings light into the darkness for family, tribe and community. Get fired up by more powerful fire symbols here.
The Celts have a diverse and profound set of symbols in the Ogham. We can draw the essence of strength from is the Celtic the Ogham, which is based on powerful, strong trees and plants. Learn more about the Ogham here. The Duir is the sign of the Oak which stands for power and stability. The druids believed the Duir to be a vessel of cosmic forceful energy. Once tapped, the power can be released and expelled on the battlefield. Shown left is the Duir. Learn more about the Duir & other trees of the Ogham here.
Celtic Warrior Symbols of the Tuatha De Danann
Exploration of the Celtic symbols of the Tuatha de Danann is a first-row seat into the theaters of bravery. These were highly magical people, and superior warriors too. There Celtic symbol for warrior included: The Spear of Lugh, the Stone of Fal, the Sword of Nuada, and the Cauldron of Dagda. Learn more about the properties, associations and magical influences of the Symbols of the Tuatha here.
“The Celtic warriors are tall in stature, with rippling muscles under clear white skin, they look like wood demons. They exude passion and seem to crave combat fearlessly.”
~Diodorus Siculus, 25 BC
I hope this information on ideas about the Celtic symbol for warrior and strength is helpful for you. As always, thank you for reading.
Mighty brightly,
Weave the Ways of the Celts Into Your Life With These Celtic Symbol Amazon Selections
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