Daisy Love Meanings
Daisy Love Meanings

Daisy and Love Meanings

Last Updated on July 24, 2021 by Avia

Daisy Flower Meanings as Love Symbols

Exploring daisy love meanings as a love symbol: The botanical name for the common daisy is bellis perennis which means beautiful (bellis) and forever (perennis). What a great start when talking in terms of love symbols! What’s better than ‘beautiful forever?!’

The old English name for the daisy is ‘day’s eye.’ This is due to the way the daisy blossom brightly opens to greet the sun, then gently closes up her petals at the end of the day.  This is such a tender sentiment of love, and greeting life with a sunny disposition every day.

Daisy Meaning as a Love Symbol
Daisy Meaning as a Love Symbol

“Love is like wildflowers; it’s often found in the most unlikely places.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

About Daisy Love Meanings

Of course, most of us are familiar with the flower meanings of the daisy in connection with love with that age-old ritual ‘he loves me, he loves me not.‘ This childhood ritual of plucking the petals in tandem with speaking he loves me, or not has been a source of entertainment for little girls for ages. Heck, I did some petal plucking too…until my last petal was ‘he loves me not,’ then I quickly found other childish ways to determine my young, dreamy love life.

Dovetailing with the concept of daisy love meanings, these perky power-flowers are also symbols of spring.  These two concepts are hugely linked. Spring is synonymous with love. Why? Because the earth warms, blooms start going bonkers, life returns to the earth after a long winter. Spring, and thus daisies are symbols of love because they remind us of the light, life, and beauty that surrounds us after a dark season.

Common Flower Meanings for the Daisy

  • Joy
  • Life
  • Love
  • Hope
  • Purity
  • Innocence
  • Childhood
  • Transformation
Daisy Love Meanings
Daisy Love Meanings

Daisy Meanings for Love in Myth and Lore

The daisy has a colorful history. As love symbols, the daisy can hold its own, but maybe not the kind of romantic love that first comes to mind. Nevertheless, here are a few gods and goddesses associated with daisy love meanings.

Celtic Daisy Associations: In Celtic myth, the daisy is symbolic of childlike love (and the innocent love children feel). It’s the purity that links daisy love meanings with children in the Celtic mind. To the ancient Celts, the daisy is a symbol of the love, purity, and innocence our children bring into the world.  Furthermore, as per Celtic myth, the daisy represents the soul or spirit of a child passed on – and therefore, will forever be loved and remembered.

Daisy in Greek Myth: The daisy also raises its cheery head in Greek myth. Apparently, the nymph Belides turned herself into a daisy to avoid the constant romantic advances from Greek god of fruit orchards named Vertumnes. I know, as love symbols go, this identity with the daisy might seem an odd match. But, as a sign of self-love and self-respect, Belides chose the high road, and the daisy is her symbol of doing just that. The daisy is a symbol of transformation coming about from loving oneself enough to make the right choices. Belides and the daisy are also a reminder that even in the worst moments, we can make changes and show the world beauty in the process.

The Daisy in Viking Lore: In Viking legend, the daisy is sacred to the goddess Freya. This connects daisy love meanings clearly because Freya is a goddess of…guess what…LOVE!  Yep.  As a love goddess, Freya is associated with sensitivity, compassion, intuition, and sensuality.  Freya is also a crucial goddess of motherhood and childbirth. This makes Freya’s symbol, the daisy, a wink to motherly love.

symbolic meaning of daisies
Symbolic meaning of daisies and love

At the end of the day, gazing at a happy field of daisies is symbolic of love enough.  These bright, cheery babies are a vibrant sign of life, love, and simple joy. Furthermore, the daisy is a message of hope, promise, and better days. I hope you enjoyed this article about daisy love meanings. As always, thanks for reading!

Mighty brightly,

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