Last Updated on September 26, 2022 by Avia
Morphing Into Mabon Meaning and Autumn Equinox Meaning: This time of year, around September 21-22 offers an incredible opportunity for insight, transformation, and personal development. Why? Because this time marks the ignition of the autumn equinox.
In my education of Nature, my mentor taught me about Mabon meaning. Mabon, or the fall – autumn equinox are one in the same. Mabon is just a different term for this seasonal transition. The term is an old European word for the autumn equinox. But this point in time is known by many names in many cultures. Whether you call it the start of Fall, or Mabon, or Harvest time, Fogamur, or that switched-on time of year when the leaves change…by any name…it’s a glorious time to celebrate a unique transition.

Highlights About Mabon Meaning and Autumn Equinox Meaning
So what are some take-away points to Mabon meaning and this autumn equinox? Plenty! This is a great time to focus on big transitions in our lives. Now is also the perfect time to fixate upon harvesting that which we have planted in the past.
Grab onto this present moment and consider what you have accomplished over the summer. Consider the seeds have you planted in your life or the lives of others? What have you contributed to your world? What you have sewn will be reaped during this time of year. The autumn equinox has boomerang energy. Now is the time when karma kicks booty. What has been done will come back to us this time of year.
This is true on an agricultural level, of course. It’s harvest time. We start to pull goodies from our gardens and relish the bounty we’ve received. The ancients had a special connection with this equinox because it is a time of extraordinary celebration for what the earth provides.
Okay, so maybe you don’t have a garden. Maybe your idea of harvest is opening up your freezer and shoving a Lean Cuisine in your microwave. That’s okay. You don’t have to be a tree-hugger to be in love with Mabon meaning and the profound impact of this autumn equinox.
Autumn Equinox and Signs of Change
Essentially, this is a time to embrace the challenges and changes life presents to you right now. This equinox marks the essential balance between light and dark. The sun begins to withdraw, and we perceive the light of the day becoming shorter. The earth and her relationship with the sun are shifting. With our planet’s shift, we should be aware of ourselves shifting too.
Make a point of shifting into a place of celebrating the light available to you right now. Maybe that sounds contradictory. It’s not. This is a time of fading light, and increasing darkness. Relish the light you have now, but also contemplate the effect of shadows in life. That may sound a little scary, but it’s really not when we approach the concept head-on.
Life on all levels is about balance. This is a prime time to perch yourself on the precipice of light and dark and party hearty for the diverse opportunities nestled in this moment.

How to Embrace Mabon Meaning and Autumn Equinox Essence
1). Get Your Shine On:
This is the prime time to give yourself a high-five for all your accomplishments. Take inventory of your achievements and successes. Imagine the energy of Nature applauding you for how much you have grown, and the bounty you have received. But what if you’ve had a hard time? What if you’re struggling to jump and jive to the tune of your accomplished glory? That’s okay. I’m not suggesting you need an Emmy or a Pulitzer prize in your pocket.
Sometimes we must reflect upon the simplest challenges we have faced. Maybe you potty trained your kid over the summer. Or perhaps you perfected a poached egg. Your achievements don’t have to be legendary, they just have to be acknowledged. By doing this, you set a tone of confidence as you move through the darker months of the year. And by doing this, you give yourself reassurance that you have the light to progress, advance, move forward and evolve no matter what.
2). Clean Your Clock and Take Stock:
You’ve heard of spring cleaning, but who says spring has to corner the market on clearing out the cobwebs? The autumn equinox is perfect when it comes to clearing out unwanted crud in our lives. Whether it’s getting rid of that pasta that expired two years ago or getting rid of old emotional grudges…take stock of what you’ve been holding onto, and give it a big heave-ho! The Universe has a funny way of rewarding us when we cleanse our lives – especially during special times of the year like now. Clean out your house. Clean your heart. Clear your mind. This is the time to do it, and the results will be extremely rewarding.
3). Stop, Drop, and Roll:
You know that term when you’re on fire? Stop, drop and roll. That’s kinda what the autumn equinox asks of us. Mabon meaning is all about being present in this revolutionary moment and giving ourselves the freedom to roll with whatever comes in our future. Maybe that means a time of withdrawal.
This time might ask you to be a little selfish and indulge in your own personal space. That’s okay, because every self-investment you make moves into a beautiful momentum for your future. It may seem paradoxical to say be present while rolling with an unknown future. The point here is to don’t sweat tomorrow. Simply know tomorrow will take care of itself as long as you take care of this present moment. Sometimes you’ve got to experience the fire, sit on it, roll with it and extinguish it. By doing so, you come out renewed and rebirth. Kinda like a phoenix! Autumn is a time of light burning out, only to be reborn again.

Symbols of Autumn Equinox
There are essential symbols associated with Mabon meaning and the autumn equinox. In an effort to round out our understanding of this time of year, here are a few for contemplation…
♥ Ivy: Consider this emerald gem. As trees begin to fade in the fall, the ivy clings tightly and remains evergreen. Autumn is a time of death and rebirth. Seeing the ivy thriving as an oak tree kisses summertime goodbye is a symbol of endurance and strength. The same holds true for you right now. Cling to whatever keeps you fresh and evergreen. Hold onto that which supports you and keeps you thriving.
♥ Scales: Or, more precisely, the sign of Libra. This sign governs this time of year. Why? Because this is a phase of time that is all about transition – but superior balance. In life and in Nature, we are all walking a tight-rope. It is key we keep our balance in order to utilize this moment to our maximum potential.
♥ Swan: What? Yeah. The swan is a symbol of the autumn equinox (so is the goose) because it is an icon for the ultimate transformation. From Celtic to Native American, the legend of the swan evokes lessons of growth, evolution and self-love. You know the story of the ugly duckling. If you can relate to that story, then let this time be a reminder you are not ugly…you are simply in transition. This time can shine a special light upon you that accentuates the beauty that resides within you. Spread your wings and relish the lovely being you are.
♥ Sun: Another irony, because the sun is fading this time of year. But it’s important to keep the home fires burning within our hearts. In fact, when the light fades, that’s the time we’ve got to turn up the voltage within us and crank up our internal amperage. No matter what you are faced with – you must remember you are made from light. Therefore, if you invoke the light, you will be guided in life. Simple as that. You are a star – in fact, you are made from stars. You cannot deny your own light. The only thing that thwarts your stellar presence is falling into the darkness. Do not go gently into the good night. Demand and command the light within and around you. You have infinite potential. Keep your light burning upon that potential within you!
I hope you enjoyed these observations about Mabon meaning and the loveliness of the autumn equinox. Check out the links below if you’re interested in more! As always, thank you for reading! I wish you all the very best equinox ever!
Mighty brightly,

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