Last Updated on October 1, 2020 by Avia
Sun Meaning and Sun Meditation
Symbolic Sun Meaning and Meditation
Well, I’ve offered observations and meditations on moon meaning and earth meaning. It’s time to salute the sun for radiant symbolic energy!
We can incorporate sun energy in our lives in many ways. Diving into the symbolic meaning of the sun gives us unique wisdom. Launching into symbolic sun meaning can also enhance our experiences by injecting clarity, hope and joy in our lives.
Focusing on sun attributes encourages sunny qualities to surface in our lives. We can even utilize the imagery of the sun in our ruminations to stimulate the process of growth and healing in our various energetic bodies. Consider some symbolic meanings of the sun:
Symbolic Sun Meaning Quick-List
- Joy
- Life
- Hope
- Faith
- Focus
- Warmth
- Vision
- Growth
- Renewal
- Clarity
- Healing
- Vitality
- Survival
- Illumination

“The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers.
It shines for the wide world’s joy.”
~Henry Ward Beecher
I don’t know about you, but re-reading that list of symbolic sun meaning gets me fired up and giddy with good vibes. We can augment that feel-good energy through meditation. If you’re not that experienced at meditating, it’s okay. The sun is massively generous, so it’s an easy target to meditate upon. Not familiar with meditating? Not a problem. Here’s an example of how to meditate on sun meaning and symbolism:
Sun Meditation
♦ Collect yourself gently. Gather up all your wandering awareness and begin to funnel them into one stream of focus. Know now you are preparing yourself for a union with a magnificently powerful star.
♦ Once you are in a position (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually) of full relaxation and focus, begin to contemplate the radiance of the sun.
♦ Consider gentle golden rays softly penetrating any clouds of confusion you may have in your thoughts or emotions. Visualize the warmth of the sun enveloping you lovingly.
♦ Begin to settle into the knowing that darkness can be swallowed by the light, and the shimmery light of the sun can be a catalyst for clarity.

♦ Feel your entire aura illumined by the soft waves of sunlight. Feel a deep penetration of the sun. And as you do, speak softly to your inner brilliance about the symbolism you experience through the sun. Make loving utterances like: “healing”, “love”, “radiance”, “illumination”, “expansion” and so forth.
♦ Softly speak those impressions that surface up to your awareness. Doing so will galvanize and activate the transformative power of the sun in your life.
♦ When you are ready, peacefully move up through the rays of the sun and resurface to a level of awareness suitable for going about your daily activities.
♦ As you conduct your regular business of the day – be mindful of this meditative experience, and feel the golden honey-pot of the sun resting gently in your solar plexus.
♦ Know that powerful energy is there for you, to nurture you, and that nutritive energy is available at your behest every moment of your life.
Just this small exercise, which can be as short as 5 minutes (or as long as you like) can move mountains in your physical landscape. If you are experiencing doldrums, confusion or general low energy – try this practice out and see the results work for you!
We can derive incredibly profound symbolic meaning from the sun. Namely, we can relate the sun to our own astrological sun signs. Your sun sign is the zodiac sign upon which the sun was shining at the time of your birth. I talk more about the meaning of sun signs here.

Sun signs in the zodiac convey sun-like attributions. This aspect of our personality is the bright shininess expressed outwardly to others and our world. This is largely why our horoscopes are often so meaningful and accurate – because our sun sign personalities are who we are publicly.
We draw this outward-showing comparison with the sun because the sun is very “in-your-face” too, same with our sun sign aspects. Just as the sun radiates its presence outwardly for all the world to see, this is also how our sun sign personality traits are. Furthermore, we can tap into the outward radiance of the sun for personal transformation. How? Exploring the meaning of our zodiac sun sign, and applying that to symbolic sun meaning. What kind of corollaries can you draw between those two associations? You may find your discoveries to be quite illuminating. Learn more about Sun Sign Personality Types here.
I hope you have enjoyed this article on sun meaning and meditation. Be sure to check out the links below for more on sun symbolism as well as the sun related to zodiac signs.
As always, thanks for reading!
Shiny and Brightly yours,
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