Last Updated on October 10, 2024 by Avia
Strolling Through Symbolic Meaning of Grass: What? Grass? Yes!! Grass is symbolic too! The symbolic meaning of grass speaks to us about roots, connection, and foundation. Think about it, if we didn’t have grass, we would have erosion, mudslides, deterioration, and worse. Grass is essential, and it holds a lot of symbolic lessons for us.
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Is the Symbolic Meaning of Grass Important?
If you live a symbolic life, you’ll find that even the most innocuous things in your environment can hold wonder, and deep meaning. That’s one of the aspects I love about digging for symbolic meanings. There is stuff all around us that is so common, so overlooked…but if viewed with symbolic perception, it all takes on a whole new dimension.
Take grass for instance. We see it everywhere. We mow it, walk on it, have picnics on emerald knolls of it…but do we ever stop to consider grass as a metaphor? A messenger? A mecca of massive meaning?
As I move through my dreams and meditations it becomes more clear that everything casts a symbolic shimmer – even grass!
I’ve recently been inundated with grass imagery (I talk about dreaming of grass here), and find the concept of grass to be profoundly relevant to human evolution. Why? Because like the web of humanity, grass is all about interconnectivity.
You can’t alter a patch of grass without it affecting the whole. This is a mammoth tenet. It conveys the message that what we do to our brothers and sisters, we also do to ourselves. How we treat our community and our environment has far-reaching effects. It has to do with the web of life. Consider the root system of grass. Those roots hold hands, nestle together, and form a community of connectivity. This is a glorious metaphor for human harmony and community. Grass, it seems, is a fine illustration for the Golden Rule.

“There’s no separation between self and other, and everything is interconnected.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh
Symbolic meaning of grass also deals with its color…that lovely, gemmy, green goodness. When we root around for symbolism of anything (including grass), it’s a great idea to tap into colors for deeper meaning. Here are some ideas about meaning of the color green:
Symbolic Meaning of Grass (Green) Keywords
- Health
- Wealth
- Well-Being
- Generosity
- Abundance
My perceptions pick up on these attributes by linking grass with the green Anahata chakra. The fourth, center, heart chakra.
The emerald heart center speaks to me of fresh new growth, the promise new hope brings, the eternal nature of love and the ability to share that love for the common good.
This viridian heart chakra is the fulcrum – the prime core. The heart is the dispatcher of information – all kinds of information. From physical, emotional, and intellectual the heart serves as the hub – and interconnects the matrix of existence. If you ponder it…grass behaves in similar ways as the heart.
Interestingly, grass is also a matrix spanning its growth in much the same way energetic heart patterns radiate out in subtle vibrations.
More Grassy Insights
I appreciate how the grass is lush and wildly expansive. Grass is also essential for holding together the matrix of our earth. What? Yeah!
Grass is a natural water collector. It holds water within its blades and roots, and distributes moisture into the soil. This process is a great lesson about conservation and making the best use of our resources.
At the time I’m (re)-writing this article, California is feeling the necessity of grass in a big way. To explain, an epic onslaught of fires ate through the grasses of California landscapes. If that wasn’t disastrous enough, heavy rains began to fall. Then, without the grass to hold and regulate the flow of water, massive mudslides formed, causing devastation and ruin.
This a drastic example of how grass is essential to the quality and stability of life as we know it. I guess that’s the best and biggest symbolic lesson of all. That lesson goes something like this…
So, the next time you come into contact with grass, let your awareness dig deeper into the infinite root systems of meaning it has to offer.
“Never underestimate, or overlook the importance of all life.
The tiniest bits play huge roles in ecological balance.
Even the common stuff becomes uncommonly vital to our existence.”

Symbolic Meaning of Grass Keywords
- Love
- Growth
- Expansion
- Connection
- Health/Healing
I encourage you to meditate in a patch of grass and really get into its green groove. This is a foundational practice of living a symbolic life – the rewards are immense (for you and for Mother Nature!).
You know, there’s so much Nature has to offer us in terms of wisdom, revelation and solace. It’s just a matter of communing with her bounty. That’s another great thing about living a symbolic life…exploring metaphor and meaning around and within us requires a special kind of stillness. Cracking open the wisdom of symbolism means we have to be present, we have to be open…maybe even a little childlike in our observations. Consistent practice in seeing the symbolic roots of our environment trains us to become focused on the important stuff.
Meaning of Dreaming of Grass
Dreams pave the way to our most profound knowing. Lately, I’ve been dreaming of grass. My meditations have been of a grassy nature too. I thought it would be nice to share a few thoughts on the symbolic meaning of dreaming of grass.
Green Green Grass of Home:
Grass is green (at least, most of it is). This puts my dreaming mind in the Anahata chakra – the heart chakra, as this energy center swims in veridian waves. The heart chakra governs health, healing and high-hearted aspects like inclusion, connection, empathy and love. The heart is the engine of the body, and the Greeks felt the heart fueled our spirits with emotional power and inspiration. So, dreaming of grass can suggest our attention be directed to the function of the heart – emotionally and physically. Innumerable cultures believe the heart is the home of the soul too. So dreaming of grass can be a call to return to our homes – a call to return our attention to our soul-center.
Get a Grip:
Grass is symbolic of a vast system of inter-connectivity. If you’ve ever observed the root system of a patch of grass, you have the perfect illustration of connection. There is no separation. Dreaming of grass is a message of connection with community or even re-connecting with our personal roots (history, emotional centered-ness). Furthermore, grass has been utilized by savvy agriculturalists as a means to prevent soil erosion. The grass serves as a matrix that grips the soil and keeps it in place during times of flooding. There is symbolism in this. Dreaming of grass could be a message for us to get a grip on our foundational beliefs – don’t get washed away in the floods of life.
Grass Roots:
This brings me to my final symbolic observation about dreaming of grass – grass roots. Grassy dreams are often a message for us to get to the root of issues that are in our fore-thoughts. If something is causing us stress, it’s time to get to the root of it. However, in dreamy grasslands, we see the roots are all interconnected – so we may have to do some digging. In other worlds finding one root of a problem may lead us to several other issues. In this case, it’s important to honor the process of working through our perspectives and beliefs about troubling matters. Be patient, and nourish yourself as you get to the root-heart of various matters of conflict.
Closing Thoughts on the Symbolism of Grass
Grass is a vast ecosystem in itself, and as such, it is symbolic of nourishment. When analyzing your own dreams, be mindful to feed yourself compassionately – it’s the only way to insure a properly rooted foundation in your interpretations.
Grass…as mundane as it may seem, can reveal amazing insights when we get into its verdant vibe. I invite you to take a roll in the symbolic meaning of grass…explore how this miracle of matrix and network applies to your own psyche and soul. You may be pleasantly surprised at how many correlations you can draw between your own life and the secret life of grass.
Thanks for indulging me this article on the symbolic meaning of grass. On the surface, it may seem like an odd topic…but that’s the beauty of symbolism…nothing is off limits…all things offer knowledge. Thankfully, Nature offers grace and generosity in all her lessons….even via the overlooked complexity of grass.
Take Away Tips About Symbolic Meaning of Grass

Stay off the grass!
On top, grass is a common sight. But below, we see a massive connection of roots. So connected, that when you damage the roots, the whole system suffers. This speaks to the crucial importance of strong, healthy communities.

Go green! Conserve resources.
Grass is a natural water collector. It holds water within its blades and roots, and distributes moisture into the soil. This process is a great lesson about conservation and making the best use of our resources.

You gotta have heart!
Most grass comes in some shade of green. Green is a symbolic color of the heart. On a deep level, green grass points to health, vitality and the heart of what matters most – life.
As always, thanks for reading!
Mighty brightly,

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