Saturn symbol meaning
Saturn symbol meaning

Saturn Symbol Meaning

Last Updated on October 3, 2020 by Avia

Rocketing Into Saturn Symbol Meaning

The Saturn Symbol Meaning

The Saturn symbol is composed of two design elements. The top cross, which is symbolic of the culmination of matter as well as the function of a intense focus. The second component of the Saturn icon is a crescent an element which it signifies receptivity.

This lower “crescent” portion of the Saturn symbol is also reminiscent of a scythe or sickle.

These are of particular interest because the symbolism of the planet Saturn (and the agricultural Roman god Saturn) often addresses themes of death. Note that in the archetype of death, this personification carries the sickle to acknowledge the opportune moment of harvesting current life.

Saturn symbol meaning
Saturn symbol meaning

This theme of harvesting joins with the Saturn symbol meaning of recycling old to new. Underlying mythological themes further reveal the god Saturn dethroned his father, Uranus. This dethroning symbolizes the changing of an old regime (death) to a new one (rebirth), and this ties in with Saturn’s symbolism.

In Chinese symbolism, the Saturn symbol embodies the concept of rulership, imperial control in regulation.

In animal symbolism, Saturn historically governs snakes, mice, foxesdragons, and nocturnal birds of prey such as the owl. It is interesting to note that the owl is commonly misunderstood as a symbol of death. This fallacy might have originated from its ancient association with Saturn.

In symbolic alchemy, the Saturn symbol doubles as a symbol for lead. Philosophical alchemy explains lead is a component of transformation brought about from hardening, strengthening and staunch willpower.

In astrology, Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn. This sign, as its ruling planet, moves through life with slower, methodical, purposeful structure.

In symbolic astrology, Jupiter is the expansive, gregarious planet whereas Saturn is the limiting, restrictive planet. These two planets also symbolize a replacement of old to new patterns as Jupiter overthrew Saturn in the ongoing saga of power in ancient myth. Herein lies symbolism of “old father” and “new father” as well as old ways and methods replaced by newer methods.

Symbolic Saturn Meanings

General symbolic meaning of Saturn include…

  • Domination
  • Authority
  • Transition
  • Obstinate
  • Slower pace
  • Methodical
  • Time
  • Construction
  • Labor
  • Stability
  • Labor
  • Long study
  • Observation
  • Unrevealed power
Satrun symbol meaning
Saturn symbol meaning

The Saturn symbol, planet and myth, might mislead the student into a negative impression, but it shouldn’t. Saturn represents a facilitating energy. Without its presence, nothing in the world could get accomplished.

We can dream of a house, but it won’t be built without Saturn’s influence (stability, structure, hard work). We can visualize a business, but the vision means nothing without Saturn’s methodical planning, and authoritative counsel to staunchly lead the way to business success.

This is important to note. When you need perseverance, and rigid follow-through, Saturn is the energy to invoke.

Saturn symbol meaning
Saturn symbol meaning

You can incorporate the Saturn symbol into your devotions and meditations to bring about intense focus to facilitate in matters requiring long-term vigilance. Focus on the Saturn symbol also promotes fluid transitions even if it means moving through change with detached interest (rather than taking things personally and adding drama to the situation).

Certain stones like jet, obsidian and onyx resonate with Saturn energy. Carry these with you when you need Saturn’s unwavering, dogged determination in your corner. These stones will ground you and keep you stabilized (also very protective and enhances confidence).

I hope you have enjoyed these thoughts on the Saturn symbol and its many counterparts.

As always, thanks for reading!



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